Recycle Center

Recycle Center Hours: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday from 9:00AM - 4:00PM.

The Recycle Center is located at 76 Stanley Ave, and can be accessed on Green River Way. Please note that it’s one way into the recycle center so you have to enter through Green River Way. The hours of operation are Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM all year round. (Dumping outside operational hours is prohibited) Service is accessible to Watertown Residents only – ID required. No businesses.

Cardboard, textiles, metal, yard waste, comingled recyclables, electronics, and hard plastic (tyke toys, kiddie pools, outdoor resin furniture), plastic caps/lids are collected at the recycle center.

Mercury and fluorescent bulbs are also collected at the recycle center.

The Recycling Center is also a community compost drop off site. Bring your food scraps during normal business hours. NO BAGS of any kind may be used. Food scraps must be emptied directly into the collection totes. NO yard waste is allowed in the compost bin.