Planning for Watertown's Future

Welcome to the City of Watertown's online engagement home for our Comprehensive Plan update process.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the planning process and shared your ideas, hopes, and concerns with us. We are excited to move into implementation now that the comprehensive plan has been adopted. 

People talking at posters

Our Comprehensive Plan has been adopted! 

At a joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Board held on Thursday, September 21, the comprehensive plan was adopted. The final version incorporates a few minor updates requested by members. We are excited to move into the implementation phase with the comprehensive plan as our guide.  

This interactive process is led by the City of Watertown (MA) Department of Community Development and Planning and a consultant team in partnership with the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC).  

Latest Documents

Adopted Comprehensive Plan
Adopted September 21, 2023 at a joint meeting of City Council and the Planning Board.
 View & Download
City Council + Planning Board Joint Meeting Presentation
Prepared for the September 21, 2023 joint meeting.
Final Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP)
Approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Get involved and learn more

We hosted a series of public events throughout the planning process. Visit our Events page to learn more about previous events.

To review project documents and content from meetings, visit our Documents page.

Sign up for project updates

Get Watertown Comprehensive Plan information via the City’s email and SMS notification list. Click on the link below and choose the "Comprehensive Plan, Long Range and Design" list as well as any other lists that are of interest.

Email/SMS Notifications

Need help?

Here is a list of our frequently asked questions

A municipality’s comprehensive plan provides a basis for decision-making regarding future land use planning, development regulation, and capital improvement planning. It is guided by a clear vision and policy framework. The plan will be carried out through an implementation program defining specific municipal actions to achieve the goals.

This plan update process will focus on land use; economic development; transportation, circulation, and parking; and open space and recreation. 

Other topics required by Massachusetts General Law (MGL), Chapter 41, Section 81D include housing; natural and cultural resources; and services and facilities.

Watertown's current comprehensive plan was completed in 2015. Since then, over 75% of the plan has been implemented and substantial residential and commercial development has occurred. Now is the time to update the plan by engaging the community to identify key issues, revisit our shared goals, and plan together for the future.

Get Watertown Comprehensive Plan information via the City’s email and SMS notification list. If you have not already signed up, please go to and choose the "Comprehensive Plan, Long Range and Design" list as well as any and all lists that are of interest.

You can also get Comprehensive Plan, Long Range and Design updates on the City’s Facebook page at and on Twitter at