Community Greening Program

Watertown’s Community Greening Program launched in 2021 thanks to a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action Grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA). This program seeks to address the outsize risks posed by climate change to vulnerable populations by targeting green infrastructure investments in our most at-risk neighborhoods. Phase 1 was carried out in 2021 and 2022 thanks to an MVP Action Grant award. The Program’s goal is to use nature-based solutions to create climate resilient neighborhoods and actively engage residents in the process. The Program directly addresses three of the major impacts that Watertown faces from climate change: urban flooding, extreme storms, and extreme heat.

During Phase 1 the City analyzed physical and demographic data to create a map of “Priority Equity Areas” while fostering discussions about the benefits of green infrastructure among residents through extensive community engagement. We recently updated this map to reflect the new Environmental Justice Areas released by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 2022 based on the most recent demographic data available. See updated map below.

a file

 Download the priority equity areas map (PDF)

The City also developed 75% design drawings for three proposed Green Streets (Francis Street, Dexter Avenue, and Templeton Parkway) and conducted more specific engagement activities such as abutter site walks and a walking tour of existing green infrastructure in the city. The Francis Street interventions were implemented in 2023.

In summer 2024, the Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) awarded a $976,270 MVP Action Grant to the City of Watertown for Phase 2 of the Equity-Based Community Greening Program.

Our objectives for Phase 2 are to further the physical resilience of the Priority Equity Areas of Watertown by constructing the designed interventions along the remaining two streets from Phase 1 (Templeton and Dexter), to design additional Green Streets for future construction, and to advance the community conversation about the climate threats we face and the ways we can all contribute to social and physical resilience through community greening.

This page will be updated frequently as Phase 2 gets underway so check back soon!

Click through the links below to learn more details:

Dexter Avenue and Templeton Parkway 75% design plans

Priority Equity Areas Update Memo

a fileAn example of green infrastructure along a residential street